Friday, November 10, 2017

Been awhile!!

Holy cow it's been a long time since I've posted here.  To be honest we switched our internet company, got a new password, and then our computer wouldn't log onto the internet.  I'm not one to type out an entire blog on our tablet, so I waited.  By God's grace I tried to restart the computer, it updated, and now here I am.  Turns out it wasn't the internet connection it was just the computer.  There is my excuse.

Lately things have been busy.  Weaning calves, testing cows, riding horses, and going to the sale barn have taken up my time.  This morning I was trying to pray but couldn't concentrate, couldn't give God the daily grind in order to learn something about myself.  Truly inspiration a prayer burst out, "Lord give me patience."  Then I got up from my chair and started to get ready to go outside.  As I thought about that prayer, I felt the Lord tug at my heart.  It was as if he was saying, "don't just have patience with your family, but with me..."  My heart sank...I don't have much patience with God.

Immediately I cried out, please have mercy on me!  And then I thought of St. Therese the Little Flower and her simple teaching on Merciful Love.  That Jesus needs our mercy, that he offers love to all in the world but very few accept it.  It is merciful for us to accept this rejected love.  Then the Holy Spirit smacked me again...don't pout because it's hard to pray in the morning, have patience and mercy and just let Jesus love me.


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