Sunday, January 21, 2018

3rd Sunday in OT Jonah 3:1-5,10 1 Corinthians 7:32-35. MARK 1:21-28

Folks I am a little addicted to Facebook...and more recently Pintrest.  I like, many of you perhaps, go on these social media apps and let my imagination loose.  For example, I like to dream of horses, barns, arenas, shops, projects, etc...the list of pin searches goes on.  Likewise I follow alot of pages that I have a deep interest in; and I dream of having XYZ in my life like those people whose page I Like or pins I save.  It's winter give me a break, summer time I'm not near my phone as much.
All these things I dream about are like it or not distractions.  They distract me from reality.  Yes, I have dreams and goals and love what I do for a career.  But a successful career and fulfilling my dream life is not my END.  Nope, my end is a wooden box 6ft under this drought prone land we call home.
Today's readings, I believe, remind me of this.  JONAH finally does what he's made for and likewise Andrew and Simon whose called Peter.  They are fishers of men.  Ya, I'm sure this brother fishing operation had global goals, for their fish not a ministry of Christs church.  Jonah probably wanted a quiet life in the Shire instead of proclaiming REPENTANCE throughout one of the biggest cities in the world.
I don't know what your life is like but mine is hard.  Things compete for my thoughts and actions.  Worldly things wage war on my hearts desires.  Focus on my true END is lost in day to day dealings.  I get immersed in the world and I forget what I'm made for.
St. Paul tells the Corinthians TIME IS RUNNING OUT and later in 7:31 FOR THE WORLD IN IT'S PRESENT FORM IS PASSING AWAY.  This hit home, I'm trying hard and most days feel like I'm failing at getting anywhere in my career (Or careers) but really the more I'm consumed with it the more I really am failing, at my spiritual "career".  It reminds me of another gospel passage WHAT DOES IT BENEFIT A MAN TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOSE HIS SOUL?
So what?  Today Christ is using regular men to change the world.  Men like you and me, blue collar dudes. THAT is what we are made for, spreading the gospel.  Let that sink in, God wants YOU!
REPENT AND BELIEVE in the gospel is the message we must first receive then pass to others.  Be a Man and go to Confession go to Mass lead your family to Christ  (they're God's gift to your evangelization career take advantage).  Don't let social media distract you, don't let deter you from your end...Heaven.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday in 2nd week of OT

I admit I'm way behind in the readings, but I like to go through 1 Samuel slowly.  Here this morning I read about Eli's sons.  They were supposed to be priests, mediators between God and men.  But they were robbing God by eating all the good sacrificial meat, sleeping with servants, and basically ruling the people with an iron fist.  Not good.
Then God has a little conversation with Eli that changed his families history forever. God was pretty upset about the neglect of Eli's sons and even blames Eli for their conduct.  The Lord says, "I will honor those who honor me, but those who spurn me shall be accursed." God just took the sins against him seriously.
I am a sinner.  I sin everyday.  It broke my heart to read this.  I realized I like Eli's sons, don't take sinning too serious.  I try not to do it but at times, even if I know something is wrong, I do it anyway.  I mean God's merciful right?  He will forgive me.  But, that is in itself a sin.  The sin of presumption.   It means I can't say 'God will forgive me so I'll just sin now and enjoy it and he will bail me out of it.' 

Eli's sons didn't take sin serious and because of it were punished.  They chose to rob God.  Just like we do when we sin.  We willingly turn our back on God.  I don't think we realize what we forfeit by doing so, or we don't think God would actually do anything. If Eli's sons knew they screwed up their entire families inheritance I'm sure they'd a thought twice before being idiots.  Same goes for us, think twice before disobeying God...He takes sin seriously, why shouldn't we?